Watched “Annie The Musical” with Andres and Eyal on a school night. As always, *Daddy* Warbuck’s obsession with Annie was a bit disturbing. So much fodder for innuendo. Top notch performance though.
Slow theater weekend in Seattle so I decided to watch “The Noteworthy Life of Howard Barnes” again on its closing weekend. Third row this time (instead of last row)! Much better seeing the actors up close. 🙂
Drove to Siberia to watch the Tony Awards-winning, Anton Chekhov-inspired play Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. Voodoo prophetess and douchey hot actor were a hoot. I could do without the bizzare climatic anti-millennial monologue though.
Watched the Obie Awards-winning play “The Conduct of Life.” Dialogue was bizzare & I’m sure I missed the symbolism. An usher was available to escort out attendees who couldn’t handle the graphic sexual/verbal/physical abuse scenes!