Steel Magnolias at SecondStory Repertory. Good actresses & dialogue. But the script desperately needed better plot progression & more scene changes. Surprised that this play inspired 3 screen adaptations. #DrinkYourJuiceShelby #diabetes
“9 to 5” musical w/ Twelfth Night Productions. Good Dolly Parton impersonation. Always pleasantly surprised when a community theater cast manages to perform a decent tap dance break. Lots of potential needed better sound engineering to fully showcase the talent. Poorly-written unconvincing ending. #secretaries
“Golden Ticket” to Roald Dahl’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” live musical adaptation w/ Seattle Theatre Group. Clever Oompa Loompa “stage magic.” Diverse sets, scenes, costumes, caricatures, & songs. Great Russian father-daughter duo. But new songs were unmemorable and the theater was surprisingly empty! #Chocolate #Candy