Elevator Thoughts (aka Tweet): Potted Potter show w/ Seattle Theatre Group at Moore Theatre. Left the muggle world for a spell to see a British slapstick comedy retelling of all 7 Harry Potter books. Energetic actors & lots of pop culture references. Slytherin house FTW! #silly #corny
Synopsis from the Theatre: Playing to sold out houses all over the world, the Olivier Award nominated Potted Potter – The Unauthorized Harry Experience – A Parody by Dan and Jeff takes on the ultimate challenge of condensing all seven Harry Potter books into seventy hilarious minutes. Even if you don’t know the difference between a horcrux and a Hufflepuff, Potted Potter will make you roar with laughter. Created by two-time Olivier Award-nominated actors Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner, Potted Potter is perfect for ages six to Dumbledore (who is very old indeed).
Reviewed Performance: 12/28/22 Opening Night – The real opener 12/27/22 was delayed because of the weather.
Type: Play-ish Comedy Show
World Premiere: No
Awards: Nominated for an Olivier Award
Recommendation: See it if you’re into Harry Potter and British slapstick comedy
Was This the First Time I Saw a Production of this Show: Yes
Length: 70 mins
Intermission: No
Other Rave(s) Not Mentioned in Elevator Thoughts
- Energy: Brendan Murphy was the jester half of the duo. He played opposite Scott Hoatson, who portrayed the sensible Harry Potter. Kudos to Brendan for maintaining his child-like energy throughout the show while portraying around 25 characters.
- Pop Culture: I was surprised with how many pop culture references they included like when Brendan picked up a copy of 50 Shades of Grey instead of Harry Potter. Fun fact, Christian Grey’s condo in 50 Shades of Grey was at the Escala building, which is two blocks away from the Moore Theatre where this show is performing.
- Favorite Lines:
- Something like “Dumbledore was the greatest wizard who ever lived … so he went into teaching?”
- When mentioning that that the original British title was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone while the American release was re-titled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, one of the actors said in a stereotypical uneducated American hick accent, “I’m an American and I don’t know what a philosopher is.”
- Video: As usual, I’m not a fan when live theatre includes a segment for the audience to watch a video. I’m here for live theatre, not something I can watch on YouTube! Fortunately, the segment was not that long.
Theatre Company: National Tour (in conjunction with Seattle Theatre Group)
Venue: Moore Theatre
Venue Physical Address: 1932 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Price: Medium to Expensive
Dates: Only December 28, 2022 to January 1, 2023 – This is a limited Seattle run so buy your ticket today if you want to see this show. The good news there are 2-4 performances on each of the remaining days. Whew!
Seating: Assigned Seating
Parking: I usually walk or transit here. Street parking is typically difficult around here. There’s obviously paid garage parking since this venue is in downtown. I think the cheapest garage lot is the old Bed Bath and Beyond garage (1930 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101) or the car rental garage (255 Stewart Street, Seattle, WA, 98101). Again, this is 3rd Ave area and it often feels dodgy on certain blocks. Stay safe!
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Other Video +/- Pictures: See additional pictures under video
@showsiveseen #PottedPotter w/ @seattletheatregroup at Moore Theatre. Left the muggle world for a spell to see a #British #slapstick #comedy retelling of all 7 #HarryPotter books. #Energetic actors & lots of pop culture references. Slytherin house FTW! Review: showsiveseen.com/3095 #silly #corny #theatre ♬ Magic (feat. Rivers Cuomo) – B.o.B