Elevator Thoughts (aka Tweet): Fellow Passengers play by Strawberry Theatre Workshop. A play-within-a-play where the outer play was silent and the inner play was a spoken reenactment of A Christmas Carol. Solid, well-developed storytelling delivery. Realistically-designed basement set. Live sound effects from Ayako Okano.
See it if you’re interested in a uniquely-presented version of A Christmas Carol.
Synopsis from the Theatre: In a fortuitous turn of events, Strawshop is proud to announce that Fellow Passengers—originally scheduled at Book-It Repertory Theatre—opens December 1 for a four-week revival at it’s original home: Strawberry Theatre Workshop. Told in the narrative style that Book-It made famous in Seattle, “Passengers” is every page of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol performed by just three actors, who bring over fifty characters to the stage.
Attended Performance Date: Opening Night 12/2/23 – See my previous preview posts here.
Type: Play
World Premiere: No
Several or Few Scenes: Several
Several or Few Settings/Locations: It was a play within a play. The outer play was just one location (a basement) and the inner play was several locations from A Christmas Carol.
Static (Stationary) Set?: Yes, the outer play set was “set in stone.” The inner play definitely required more imagination from the audiance than than most other shows.
Prior Exposure/Knowledge Required: No, but if you’d probably appreciate the show more if you’re familiar with the original A Christmas Carol story.
Defined Plot/Storyline: Yes
Live Band/Orchestra: Ayako Okano generated live sound effects and some music. She used bells, chimes, chains, an electronic keyboard, and a milk crate of all things.
Equity Actors: 2
Total Number of Actors: 3
Perceived Pace of the Show: Medium Speed
Length (Including Any Intermission): 2 hours
Was there an intermission? Yes
Was This the First Time I Attended a Production of this Show? Yes
Would I See It Again 3 Years from Now? Probably not, but it was good
Other Rave(s) Not Mentioned Above
- Storytelling: When I saw Amy Thone on the cast list, I knew the acting would be top notch. The actors delivered their lines like professionals with enthusiasm and energy. Often on opening night (even with professional shows), I can tell when a show needs more time to “cure.” But this production was solid on day one.
- Tiny Tim: As I’ve mentioned previously, I absolutely loathe the Tiny Tim Christmas trope. I’m so relieved there was no cutesy child actor portraying Tiny Tim in this play.
Other Musing(s) and Observation(s)
- Book-It Repertory Theatre: The play exuded the distinctive narration style of the recently-late Book-It Repertory Theatre. Book-It was actually supposed to produce the show this season, but they prematurely closed their doors forever. I wonder how much of the show Book-It already originally produced. For example, did Book-It already imagine/create the scenic design before they closed, and Strawberry Theatre Workshop continued where Book-It left off?
- New Scenes: There were a couple of scenes towards the end that I don’t remember from the traditional A Christmas Carol story. For example, there was a scene involving people on a ship.
Theatre Company: Strawberry Theatre Workshop
Venue: 12th Avenue Arts
Venue Physical Address: 1620 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122
Price: Cheap to medium
Tickets: https://www.strawshop.org/fellow-passengers.html
Dates: December 1 – 23, 2023
Seating: Assigned Seating
Parking: Paid lot or paid street parking. Street parking is extremely limited since it’s Capitol Hill. Your best luck would be East of Cal Anderson Park on 11th or 12th Ave. The cheapest paid lot close by is at 1300 E Olive St with the entrance on 14th Ave. I highly suggest parking far away or taking the bus since parking lots and street parking are expensive in Capitol Hill.
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Cast and Production Team: See after pictures and/or video below
@showsiveseen Greg Carter's "Fellow Passengers" #play by Strawberry Theatre Workshop. A play-within-a-play where the outer play was silent and the inner play was a spoken reenactment of #CharlesDickens #AChristmasCarol." Solid, well-developed storytelling delivery. Realistically-designed basement set. Live sound effects from Ayako Okano. Photos: John Ulman. Review: showsiveseen.com/7640 #theatre #showsiveseen #xmas #humbug #dickens #ChristmasCarol #Scrooge #Christmas ♬ Merry Christmas Baby – Sture Zetterberg
Role | Name |
Performers | Shermona Mitchell Galen Joseph Osier^ Amy Thone^ Daniel Christensen (Understudy) |
— | — |
Playwright | Greg Carter adapting from from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol |
Director | Rhonda J Soikowski |
Musician | Ayako Okono |
Stage Manager | P Alyda Sorm |
Graphic Designer | Melanie Wang |
Box Office Manager | Megan Carleton |
Designers and Constructors | Adam Zopfi Hulse Reed Nakayama KD Schill Kyle Thompson Greg Carter Megan Carleton Forrest Leonard Rhonda J Soikowski Nona Schroeder |
Lighting Designer | Reed Nakayama |
Property Designer | Adam Zopfi Hulse |
Scenic Designer | Greg Carter |