Crazy for You – Musical – Village Theatre

Shows I've Seen | Theatre Reviews
Musicals, Plays, Concerts, Oh My! (and other Performing Arts)
Type: Musical
Recommendation: It’s worth seeing but like every Disney musical, it usually doesn’t inspire any awards. I’ve seen the official tour and (obviously) it was better than this local production, which was still alright.
Rating (Out of 5 Stars): 3.75 Stars
Story, Script, and Lyrics: Newsboys strike against “the man” to protest rising newspaper prices back in the day.
Cast and Theater Company: Typical Village Theatre good-quality theatrical production.
Venue and Set: Cramped stage during dance numbers. Great sets and scene changes though.
Music and Audio: Musicals should excel in “musical” quality but this show definitely focuses more on the dance aspect, which was unfortunate since the stage was crowded.
Price: $$ (Moderately Priced at $57-82)
Seating: Assigned Seating
Type: Musical
Recommendation: It’s worth seeing. Old timey musicals are not really my preference but this one is a classic. I haven’t seen the movie but the stranger sitting next to me in the theater said she liked the live Village Theater version better than the movie.
Negatives: The story may not be as accessible to millennial like myself (but I’m an old soul) since this is based on the 1951 movie, which is based on the “roaring 1920s.”
Story, Script, and Lyrics: The story was about traditional silent movie Hollywood stars struggling with actually having to act/speak in “talkies” (talking motion pictures). A lot of the comedy was corny, old timey, slapstick, and/or campy but I guess it was a different time back then.
Cast and Theater Company: Village Theater consistently provides quality theatrical productions and this is no exception.
Venue and Set: The audience ended up having to watch pre-recorded video instead of live-action drama during several scenes. It was a little annoying because I paid to watch live-action drama but this was probably a necessity because of the subject matter (silent films vs “talkies”). However, I was impressed with the real water raining on the stage while the main character danced soaking wet! Kudos for that Village Theater!
Music and Audio: Like every Village Theater production, the live music and audio engineering was high quality. I’m still trying to figure out how they were able to preserve the microphones during the rain scene! Despite all this, I was a bit disappointed the actors only pretended to play the piano and violin. This was after I saw “Pump Boys and Dinettes.” But hey, you can’t be everything!
Price: $$ – Moderately Priced at $50-78 from the Village Theater Website
Seating: Assigned Seating
Link: http://www.villagetheatre.org/issaquah/singin-in-the-rain.php