Clyde’s – Play – Review – ArtsWest & The Hansberry Project

Elevator Thoughts (aka Tweet): So hungry from Lynn Nottage’s Clyde’s play by ArtsWest & The Hansberry Project that I bought a sandwich after the show. Wonderful realistic scenic design of a gritty restaurant kitchen from Jennifer Zeyl. Good commentary on ex-felons’ reintegration into society. #excriminals #exconvicts

See it, especially if you enjoy plays that are more dialogue than action.

Synopsis from the Theatre or Licensor: In CLYDE’S, a truck stop sandwich shop offers its formerly incarcerated kitchen staff a shot at redemption. Even as the shop’s callous owner tries to keep them down, the staff members learn to reclaim their lives, find purpose, and become inspired to dream by their shared quest to create the perfect sandwich.

Attended Performance Date: Opening Weekend 6/8/24 – Keep your eyes peeled for preview posts on my website and social media if you want earlier notification of shows I’ve seen. Buy your tickets now since the run ends 6/30.

Type: Play

World Premiere: No

Several or Few Scenes: A couple

Several or Few Settings/Locations: One, a kitchen

Static (Stationary) Set? Yes

Prior Exposure/Knowledge Required: No

Defined Plot/Storyline: The script was less action and more dialogue. I usually don’t prefer dialogue plays, but this script was easier to enjoy than other plays with less story.

Equity Actors: 2

Total Number of Actors: 5

Perceived Pace of the Show: Medium speed

Was there an intermission? No

Length (Including Any Intermission): 90 minutes

Was This the First Time I Attended a Production of this Show? Yes

Would I See It Again 3 Years from Now? No, but it was good

Other Rave(s) Not Mentioned Above

  • Food-themed Plays: Incorporating food in live theatre is such an effective (and easy?) way to win over the audience. It awakens the primal hunger response in all of us. Even now, I’m still making sandwiches at home because of the play … and I usually don’t make sandwiches. I even started making my own mayonnaise!

Other Musing(s) and Observation(s)

  • Clyde: It took me a while to realize that Tracy Michelle Hughes was Clyde. I was expecting a guy.
  • Symbolism: The script makes you think. And I have so many unanswered questions on its symbolism. Like, what did the relish represent? What did Clyde represent? Did a sandwich represent hope? What did Clyde eating represent? What did the fire represent?
  • Ending (No Spoiler): Similarly, I didn’t understand play’s last couple seconds. Also, what was the script’s ultimate message?

Theatre Company: ArtsWest and The Hansberry Project

Venue: ArtsWest

Venue Physical Address: 4711 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116

Price: $40-45


Dates: June 6 to June 30, 2024

Seating: Assigned Seating

Parking: There are paid lots and free street parking. I usually park on 44th or 45th Ave behind the theatre.

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Pictures: See pictures below and in video above by John Mclellan.

In Partnership with The Hansberry Project ArtsWest presents Clyde’s by Lynn Nottage. Directed by Valerie Curtis-Newton. Photo by John Mclellan.
In Partnership with The Hansberry Project ArtsWest presents Clyde’s by Lynn Nottage. Directed by Valerie Curtis-Newton. Photo by John Mclellan.
In Partnership with The Hansberry Project ArtsWest presents Clyde’s by Lynn Nottage. Directed by Valerie Curtis-Newton. Photo by John Mclellan.
In Partnership with The Hansberry Project ArtsWest presents Clyde’s by Lynn Nottage. Directed by Valerie Curtis-Newton. Photo by John Mclellan.
In Partnership with The Hansberry Project ArtsWest presents Clyde’s by Lynn Nottage. Directed by Valerie Curtis-Newton. Photo by John Mclellan.

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