Type: Musical
Recommendation: Does not live up to the hype but it’s still worth seeing. It’s probably one of the most important artistic works of our time especially in this political climate.
Rating (Out of 5 Stars): 4.5 stars
Negatives: Hard to understand what was going on. Also, not a fan of rap or history lessons.
Story, Script, and Lyrics: The life and times of Alexander Hamilton during the birth of the USA. Since a lot of the lyrics were fast rap, it was hard to follow the story. Re-listening to the soundtrack cleared things up and I later realized that a lot of script/lyrics were quite clever.
Cast and Theater Company: Typical high-quality national tour production.
Venue and Set: Elaborate set with a dual rotating stage and clever light show.
Music and Audio: I was happy to discover that they didn’t turn the volume way up like they do most Paramount Theatre performances. Not much of a rap fan but I loved the golden voices and tight harmonies of the girls’ songs especially “Helpless,” “Satisfied”, and “Schuyler Sisters.”
Price: $$$ (High-priced at $300+) – Sold out
Dates: February 6 – March 18, 2018
Seating: Assigned
Link: https://www.stgpresents.org/tickets/eventdetail/3492/-/hamilton
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