Type: Musical
Recommendation: Don’t see it unless you’re a die-hard social justice warrior and special snowflake lover.
Rating (Out of 5 Stars): 2 stars
Negatives: Plot was overly simplistic, underdeveloped, hallmark-y, and mostly boring.
Story, Script, and Lyrics: They advertised this as “A Sensory Experience in Two Acts.” Apparently the first act was the musical and the “second act” was an art show.
- First Act: The musical followed the struggles of socially awkward kid who gets overly-stimulated easily and paints/draws to cope. The “moral of the story” was that everyone is special and contributes something worthwhile to society (I’m gagging).
- Second Act: The “second act” art show consisted of paintings by a local (mentally-challenged?) artist who I assume the main character is based on. I’m no visual art critic but I wasn’t too impressed by the works. Just because someone picks up a brush doesn’t mean they’re an artist.
Cast and Theater Company: Cast wasn’t bad. Though I assume the non-main characters had limited experience in the theater.
Venue and Set: Black Box Theatre is a hidden tiny theater in the back of the Center Theatre at the Seattle Center Armory. Set was very simple and occasionally featured the works of the artist from the art show.
Music and Audio: Meh. Venue was small enough that mic-ing wasn’t needed.
Price: $ (Low-priced at $25)
Dates: February 25-28, 2018
Seating: General Admission
Link: http://www.soundtheatrecompany.org/2018-season/making-waves-experimental-performance/