Elevator Pitch/Thoughts/Tweet: “The Griswold’s Broadway Vacation” mmusical at the 5th Avenue Theatre. Pleasantly surprised it featured Hunter Foster. Fantastic bright sets, props, & costumes. New York tourist trap haven. Easy 1980s sitcom-like conflict resolutions. Basic all-American themes, heart, & family. Loved the hick chic fashion montage. #theatre #NYC #Manhattan
Type: Musical
Recommendation: See it! Even if you didn’t see the movies (I didn’t).
Rating (Out of 5 Stars): 4.5 stars
Other Rants
- Did a the teacher go on dates with the student back in the day? Weird.
- A little too all-American. Despite the inclusive casting, the perspective isn’t very accessible to ethnicities. But I guess that’s not the fault of the musical but more the fault of the movie series.
- Have they not heard of Stub Hub? Major plot hole here!
Other Raves
- Loved Rusty Griswold’s side quests
Theater Company: The 5th Avenue Theatre
Venue: The 5th Avenue Theatre – 1308 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Price: $$$$ (Expensive)
Dates: September 13 – October 2, 2022
Seating: Assigned Seating
Social Media: Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
Link: https://www.5thavenue.org/shows/2022-23/the-griswolds-broadway-vacation/
Other Media:
@showsiveseen “The #Griswold‘s #Broadway #Vacation” #musical at the 5th Avenue Theatre. Pleasantly surprised it featured #HunterFoster. Fantastic bright sets, props, & costumes. #NewYork #tourist trap haven. Easy 1980s sitcom-like conflict resolutions. Basic all-american themes, heart, & family. Loved the hick chic fashion montage. #theatre #NYC #Manhattan ♬ Welcome To New York – Taylor Swift